How the Evil One Blinds Us to the Mission, Pt. II
The Upstream Blog is published two times a week and contains content from missions leaders, pastors, missiologists, and the Upstream team on a wide variety of topics pertaining to being a sending church. Leave us some comments or questions!
How the Evil One Blinds Us to the Mission, Pt. I
TCKs & Pre-Field Training
Navigating Language and Culture: The Journey of Third Culture Kids
Preparing TCKs for a Cross-Cultural Move
Vetting National Partners
Finding National Partners
Funding Nationals or National Organizations: The How
Funding Nationals or National Organizations: The Why
The Benefits of Pre-Field Cross-Cultural Training with an Organization
The Importance of Pre-Field Cross-Cultural Training
How to Say “No” or “Not Yet” to Missionary Candidates
Hope for When Missionaries Come Home Early
How One Sending Church Is Changing the World
An Example of Starting a Missions Network in Your City
The New Roman Road: Engaging in Disciple-Making Virtually
The Opportunity of Digital Engagement in Modern Missions
The Nations in Our Own Back Yard
Entrusting Mission Ministry to Lay Leaders
Navigating Missions Leadership When You Haven't Been a Sent One