Field Perspective on Advocacy Team Care
The Upstream Blog is published two times a week and contains content from missions leaders, pastors, missiologists, and the Upstream team on a wide variety of topics pertaining to being a sending church. Leave us some comments or questions!
Leading the Advocates
Microskills for Advocates
The What and Why of Advocacy Teams: Nurturing and Supporting Sent Ones
Beyond Reverse Culture Shock Introduction
Helping Older TCKs Transition to College
Confessions of a “Fix-It Father”
Staying Connected While Far Away
Long-Term Missionary Care
How Can the Sending Church and Organization Work Together in Missionary Care?
A Practical Way to Structure Your Church’s Missionary Care
Serving Sent Ones in Hard Places
Sending Does Not Mean Letting Go
Post-Field Care: Plan, Presence, and Pathways to Reengagement
On-Field Care: Prayer Is Not Just the Means to Do the Work—It Is the Work
Pre-Field Care: The Oft-Forgotten Element of Missionary Care
Connecting with Kids on the Field
Why Missions Organizations Utilize Psych Evaluations
Caring for Sent Ones in the First Year
Annual Evaluations With Sent Ones: What They Should and Shouldn’t Be