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God Spoke: Meditating on Advent

Andy Jansen

By Andy Jansen

God spoke, and we heard him. There was such an accord between his speech and the truth that it was true. And it was good. He sustains everything by his word. Day to day pours out new speech. We can see his light, even in our present darkness.

I hear the word It shines like heaven’s light to me Revealed in sun and stone and tree Both good and glory skillfully wrought A thousand ways to taste and see “My thoughts are not your thoughts”

God spoke again, and his witnesses heard him. At many times and in many ways he spoke, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son. The light shined into the world. He is God’s splendor in the flesh. They heard and saw and touched him and told it to us. Our God is Jesus, and he is from Nazareth.

I hear the word My stomach turns. I wail and squirm So surreal his mundane form Treading lightly on the wave Haunting me within the storm “Do not be afraid”

God spoke to me, and I heard him. His Word shined a light into my heart. He touched it and made it new. His speech over me is true; my darkness melts away. Though now we see dimly, soon face to face. We will know him fully. We will see the invisible God in the face of Christ.

I hear the word Sight for blind and captives freed He lowly stoops and serves our needs His condescending cannot shrink The triumph as my savior bleeds “Come to me and drink”

God will speak again, and we will hear him. He will come again, and every knee will bow. He will speak again, and every tongue will confess that he is Lord. He will clothe us in white. We won’t need the sun to mark days. He will be our lamp, and we will bask in his eternal light.

I hear the word A spoken sword to slay the beast An open door to call the least Blackened sun and bleeding moon Bride and groom and wedding feast “Surely I am coming soon”


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