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Helpful Resources for Becoming a Sending Church

Developing a vision for the Great Commission, raising up missionaries from within your congregation, creating a sending pipeline, providing missionary care…there is a lot involved with becoming a sending church.

Over the last two weeks, we’ve talked about helping missionaries have a sent identity.

Here is a list of other resources that you may find helpful as you take steps to help your church become a sending church. You can also search our blog for articles about becoming a sending church.

We believe that the local church has a critical role to play in God’s global mission—a role that is too often overlooked by churches, organizations, and missionaries. That’s why we developed these workshops: to form heads, heart, and hands with new ideas and practical suggestions. As we pray, think, speak, and learn together, it is our hope that you will not just acquire new information, but that you will leave with a clear sense of how God is leading your church, including some practical next steps.

The term, “sending church” desperately needs clarity, which is precisely the goal of this book. A gathering of churches came up with a lengthy definition, and then fleshed out that definition one word at a time according to Scripture and scholarship. The goal was not just clarity, but to send a timely word to churches about reclaiming their birthright as the leaders in the Great Commission.

The Sending Church Elements help your church identify strengths and weaknesses in missions, and grow as a sending church. We have identified 4 phases divided into 17 elements that make up healthy sending churches. You can download the Elements for free here.

The Upstream File Share contains all the resources created by Upstream. These resources are included as a part of becoming an Upstream Member for $10 a month. To get a behind the scenes look at a few of the Upstream Resources available as a part of the Membership, purchase one of the options below.

The Upstream Forum is a place for members to discuss all things related to the church on mission. Become a member to join the conversation.


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