Thu, Feb 23
Helipad Pre-Field Training - February 2023
Sometimes being trained to go overseas demands a helipad, not a runway.
Time & Location
Feb 23, 2023, 4:00 PM EST – Feb 26, 2023, 4:00 PM EST
About the Event
The Helipad: Pre-Field Training Designed for Marketplace Workers and people serving in mid term missions.
COST | $200 per person, $300 per couple
SCHEDULE : (all times are EDT)
Thursday, February 23 | Sessions from 4-6 p.m. and 7-8 p.m. Creating a Personal Development Plan
Sent Identity - Sent Well from your Church Alternate Pathways Five Key Components To Life Overseas Cultural Adaptation
Friday, February 24 | Sessions from 4-6 p.m. and 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Leaving Well - Relational Leaving Well - Checklists and Commissioning Building Advocacy - Missionary Health Diagnostic Building Advocacy - Establishing Advocacy Team Session for Marketplace Workers - Global Trends in Marketplace Session for Marketplace Workers - Overseas Job Search Strategies
Saturday, February 25 | Sessions from 8-10 a.m., 11 a.m.-1 p.m., 2-4 p.m., 5-7 p.m. Spirit Led Introduction To Mapping Where You Live, Work, and Play Mapping - Evangelism Engagement Strategies Marriage on the Field / Being Single on the Field Breakout Sessions Raising Families on the Field Cultural Exegesis - Learning From Your New Culture Contextualization - What Does the Gospel Look Like in your New Culture Persons of Peace / Tribes / Starting Gospel Conversations Soul Care - Taking Care of Yourself Teaming and Handling Conflict
Sunday, February 26 | Sessions from 2-4 p.m. Spiritual Warfare - Fighting an Unseen Enemy Getting Started - Intentionality, Taking Initiative, Being a Learner, Humility, Hospitality, Community Helipad Take Off - Review Personal Development Plan
*Additional topics offered through recorded sessions to watch on your own.
What participants are saying:
“I would absolutely endorse the Helipad training. The zoom format is absolutely wonderful and much easier than getting families from all over the world to converge in Louisville. It was a huge blessing to us and we feel much better prepared because of it.” - Justin and Amanda L, serving with Great Commission Europe
“I highly recommend the Helipad Training to absolutely anyone who feels God leading their hearts towards His global mission for the gospel. This training really opened our eyes to all the facets of long term mission assignment and how to pursue God's calling well in our preparation as well as being in a new country and culture for the glory and work of Jesus Christ.” - Josh Brown, The Journey Church
Email Shirley at shirley@theupstreamcollective.org for more information
Helipad Individual
$200.00Sale endedHelipad Couple
$300.00Sale ended