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Specialized Cohort Interest Form
Specialized Cohort Interest Form




Specialized Cohort Interest Form

We will be offering many specialized cohorts. Please let us know your interest by filling out the form and indicating which specialized cohort you have interest in.

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Other Specialized Trainings

The Upstream Team has a wealth of experience in other specialized areas of sending. We will be offering the following specialized cohorts based on interest including:

  1. Madrid, Spain Field Experience - Join Larry McCrary in Madrid, Spain for this specialized cohort diving into the topics of: developing and sustaining great on-field partnerships; developing missionaries; and caring well for missionaries.
  2. Assessment & Development - Deciding who should and who shouldn’t go overseas, as well as developing missionaries is a great opportunity and responsibility, But it can be a daunting task. This cohort will help define qualities for overseas goers and provide assessment & development tools for future goers,
  3. Missionary Care - The work of the sending church does not end at the Commissioning ceremony of a Sent One. It really is just the beginning. This specialized cohort will focus doing both proactive and reactive missionary care so that those who are Sent Ones stay connected to their local church and are shepherded well overseas.
  4. Short-term Trips - Short-term trips can be an incredible piece of the long-term vision of an overseas partnership when done rightly. When poorly executed they can be harmful for the field, the goer, the nationals and the church. This cohort will focus on principles for sending great short-term trips.
  5. International & Refugee Ministry - This cohort will focus on developing a robust church-based international and refugee ministry. The goal for developing these ministries will be to make a real impact in their community for the Great Commission as well as assess and develop future global sent ones through observation of their faithfulness Stateside.
  6. Local Missions - This cohort will walk through similar content to the Foundations Cohort, but focused instead on local missions and outreach. Many missions leaders roles include global missions, but also missions locally. This cohort will dive into how create a local missions vision, strategy, budget, and member involvement to develop Sent Ones to your local community.
  7. Developing a Field Strategy & Partnerships - This cohort will focus on shoring up a church’s missions vision and strategy. With that vision and strategy in mind the cohort will help missions leaders find, develop, and cultivate real relational partnerships with missionaries and organizations. This cohort will be led by Mike Ironside, Global Missions Pastor at Cornerstone Church in Ames, Iowa
  8. Business as Mission - In the ever-changing world of global missions, business as mission is key to engagement of unreached people groups and involvement of every member in global missions. This cohort will dive deep into how to develop business as mission opportunities Stateside that lead to effective BAM endeavors globally.
  9. Multi-site Missions - Multi-site missions churches are happening around the world. This cohort will focus on how to lead a multi-site church in global missions by leveraging the unique impact each site can make for the sake of the Gospel around the world.

Please fill out the following form if you would be interested in the above specialized cohorts. We will offer one fall and one spring specialized cohort based on interest.

Contact us if you have any questions.

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