With all the work that we do as missions leaders, what it most often comes down to is the last 3 feet of ministry. How do we equip our members to make disciples of all nations at home and abroad. Not just think about it, strategize for it, but to actually do it. This month we will focus on equipping our members in the US and abroad for understanding missiologically how to do cross, cultural ministry. But beyond understanding, how to do real person to person cross-cultural ministry.
As you begin looking at this sending church topic for the life of your church and for your missionaries, check out these key resources to get you started.
Check out these articles and trainings on Cross-Cultural Ministry in your church. Click on the thumbnail for a summary of the resource and to access the resource. Each resource is available for purchase or on the Upstream File Share for Members.
Each of the following resources have been made available by local church. These resources can be downloaded here or access on the Upstream File Share as well as below.
Have a resource you'd like to share? Email your resource to mike@theupstreamcollective.org to have your resource added to this page or others.
Check out the following books as you develop your missionaries in their cross-cultural fluency.