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Everyday Christian Starter Kit

Eight Free Resources for Being on Mission


A word from Larry McCrary

President, The Upstream Collective


For believers in the marketplace, how can you be on involved in God's global mission. Check out these resources for growing as a healthy sent one.

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1. Learn about the sending church elements

We’ve created a framework called the Sending Church Elements. Seventeen Elements that help will give you a framework for developing your church as a healthy sending church.


2. Learning Missionary Skills (iPOC3)

This article will give foundational tips for everyday sent ones to reach their neighbors, fellow works, classmates, and the nations where they are


3. Developing an International Ministry

As a leader in your church you have the ability to cast vision and lead others to understand global missions. This resource will give you ideas on how to lead the leaders and members of your church towards a greater understanding and application God's global mission.

Virtual Meeting

4. Provide Missionary Care

Once a missionary is sent, the job is not over for the church, it has just begun. The sending church plays a vital role in providing care for the missionary and their family. This resource will guide your church through a care framework called "advocacy teams."

​Taking a few of these steps can start your sending journey well. If nothing else, lead your church to pray for the gospel to move among the nations. And remember, we’re here to help!


— Larry


P.S. Interested in more resources about becoming a healthy send church? Check out resources based on the Sending Church Elements.

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The Sending Church


We've developing resources that goes into becoming a healthy sending church.
Using the Elements as a template can help you develop your church's sending health.
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